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Consultancy Services to Develop Unified Registry of Beneficiaries System

About the client

Tanzania Social Action Fund


The project includes development of potential beneficiaries’ database that is ready to be integrated with TASAF III PSSN Management Information System (MIS) and other key stakeholders’ MIS, development of mobile application, which supports data collection using mobile device, and development of an open API, which enables interfacing with stake holder systems. All targeting information is migrated from the current CB-CCT MIS to URB. The URB is also linked with National Identification Authority (NIDA) for cross-checking person identity.

Users from different organizations are able to interact with the Unified Registry of Beneficiaries and extract the list of beneficiaries according to their needed criteria. It is expected that the URB will function as a baseline for current and future social protection programs.

Services provided

The overall activities of the Project included:

  • Internet application.
  • Mobile application.
  • Integration with NIDA
  • Integration mechanism for data transfer to PSSN MIS.
  • Data migration.
  • Training of trainers.
  • Training of programmers.