About the Client
OECS – Organization of Eastern Caribbean States
The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) is an International Inter-governmental Organisation dedicated to regional integration in the Eastern Caribbean. The OECS is now an eleven-member grouping comprising of the full Member States of Antigua and Barbuda, Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines. These members are part of the Economic Union and received the full benefits of Economic Union like free movement of people and goods, with the British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Martinique and Guadeloupe as associate members of the OECS.
Countries in the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) face a number of common challenges in a context of increasing global competitiveness. They have high fiscal imbalances and debt ratios while being exposed to external shocks – financial and natural – as Small Developing Island States (SIDS). Similar to small states in other regions, OECS countries focus on new sources of growth to reduce vulnerability and embrace an approach that emphasizes improved governance, public sector modernization and enhanced regional integration. The countries seek to reinvigorate and sustain growth, reduce high unemployment, lower the poverty rate, restore fiscal and debt sustainability, diversify their economies and secure a sustainable external position.
Public sector modernization is key to improving efficiency and competitiveness in the region, placing an emphasis on using Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to improve internal efficiency, delivery of public services, coordination among agencies and transparency and accountability of the public sector, with the objective of supporting the free flow of persons and goods as part of a regionally integrated Economic Union.
In order to achieve these objectives, countries have already implemented a number of actions and steps, however, they have been at different phases of implementation and vary in their scopes. For this, there was a need for developing an action plan for the complete implementation of the OECS Unique ID for the four OECS Member States (The Commonwealth of Dominica, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines).
Digital ID – a Starting-Point Towards More Prosperous Country
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NRD Companies had developed a Risk Assessment and Action Plan for Implementation of OECS Unique ID.
NRD Companies took into consideration the existing body of work or initiatives or projects at both the national and regional levels related to the development/implementation of an identification system, modernization of registries and the integration of such systems with other government-based public systems such as health information and immigration systems. As a result, an action plan and conceptual design for the complete implementation of the OECS Unique ID for the four OECS Member States was developed.
The proposed concept:
- Fills the major gap – builds and strengthens foundational digital identity systems (CRVS, Population registries) and Introduces unique identifier (Unique ID) at birth at the national level that is to be used also at a regional level
- Solves Integrational challenge at both levels: at the national and regional level
- Outlines a single integration layer with (and between) functional and functional external systems
- Assures lower development and maintenance costs
- Assures access control
The proposed Unique ID concept creates preconditions for the protection of the civil, legal, social and political rights of all individuals, that enables them to access the services for which they are eligible. It also strengthens public administration, ensures electoral participation, facilitates public service provision and contributes to a country’s overall stability and security. A well-functioning digital identity management system will contribute to socio-economic development and serves as a basis for regional integration of relevant systems.
The current level of knowledge, know-how and global experience show that in order to build regional Unique identifiers-based identity systems, digital national identity management systems based on unique identifier need to be developed. Technology development also ensures that the joint solutions are available and so can further the development in a sustainable and comprehensive manner, without the need for numerous integrations and allowing the simultaneous use of one product by many users.