Institutions are vital to any country’s long-term economic development, and they have a positive, direct impact on growth. Strengthening of institutions, bringing their transparency and accountability in line with improved internal governance are important strategic directions that need to be followed. Use of ICT aims to strengthen the performance of the public sector in providing high quality public services to its citizens and businesses and also brings more inclusiveness to societies.
Overall, e-government brings an instrumental value in boosting the quality, efficiency, and effectiveness of the public sector, in fostering co-ordination and cooperation across levels of government, and thus increases citizens’ trust. Improvement of governmental processes starts with improving the internal workings of the public sector by cutting processes costs, managing process performance, making strategic connections in government, and creating empowerment. It is also important to focus on the relationship between government and citizens: either as voters/stakeholders or as customers who consume public services.
NRD Companies support governments in delivering public sector reforms, strengthening institutions, building e-government and enabling e-services for citizens. Building on legal, organizational, governance, systems and services analysis, NRD Companies bring an evidence-based approach from around the world and back it with ICT solutions for the efficient and effective government functioning and services. NRD Companies also develop solutions in addressing internal government transactions, public administration/ regulation, and public service delivery management function in the public sector.
E-Registers and E-Services
GxP© is an omnichannel solution, allowing to build processes supportive of multiple channels within a singlerocess or in separate processes.
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A tool for collecting, processing, storing and publishing adequate, accurate and timely data about the beneficial owners of businesses.
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A modern web-based solution that serves as a platform where businesses/individuals and government meet for customer-centric business registration.
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A civil registration system that protects human rights, provides a unique identity and proof of existence. It is referring to all institutional, legal, and technical settings.
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A compilation of online registration services allowing applicants to apply, pay and receive a license online.
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A tool dedicated to receiving, storing and making accessible to the public information in registered notices with respect to security rights in movable assets.
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The out-of-the-box platform which is constantly developed which we have created to enable Registration Agencies to become Centres of Registries.
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E-Invoicing solution that helps Tax Authorities enhance domestic resource mobilization by modernizing digital infrastructure and improving tax compliance for increased revenue and public trust.
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