Well-functioning, transparent institutions that effectively protect property rights and reduce red tape are essential for creating a stable and predictable business environment, which in turn fuels investment, creates jobs, and facilitates the production of higher value goods and services in any economy.
Since its launch, the World Bank Doing Business report has undoubtedly became an important measure with economic and political consequences. On the economic side, the Doing Business report has become one of the important indicators for companies choosing countries to invest. On the political side, this has become an index on which countries compete, and against which success of governments is measured.
NRD Companies have evidence-based hands-on experience in the regulatory, organizational, governance, systems and service sides of improvements in various country settings. Our engagement has supported countries’ progress on a number of indicators under the World Bank’s Doing Business annual report.
NRD Companies have developed and deployed a number of solutions providing tangible improvements in the business environment for both local and international businesses and investors. By providing registry solutions, we help to gain needed efficiencies and effectiveness – cutting the amount of time and resources needed for business-related dealings. Deployment of ICT supports essential governance standards of transparency and accountability.
E-Registers and E-Services
GxP© is an omnichannel solution, allowing to build processes supportive of multiple channels within a singlerocess or in separate processes.
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A tool for collecting, processing, storing and publishing adequate, accurate and timely data about the beneficial owners of businesses.
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A modern web-based solution that serves as a platform where businesses/individuals and government meet for customer-centric business registration.
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A civil registration system that protects human rights, provides a unique identity and proof of existence. It is referring to all institutional, legal, and technical settings.
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A compilation of online registration services allowing applicants to apply, pay and receive a license online.
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A tool dedicated to receiving, storing and making accessible to the public information in registered notices with respect to security rights in movable assets.
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The out-of-the-box platform which is constantly developed which we have created to enable Registration Agencies to become Centres of Registries.
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E-Invoicing solution that helps Tax Authorities enhance domestic resource mobilization by modernizing digital infrastructure and improving tax compliance for increased revenue and public trust.
Learn moreFinancial Solutions
An award-winning secure and intuitive digital banking platform that fits into your composable banking architecture.
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A platform for SME and Retail loans used by banks for increasing their loan portfolio in a shorter time and keeping related costs under control.
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One platform that serves it all – solutions for retail, business, private banking.
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A platform that provides a robust set of APIs and management tools to comply with PSD2 regulations and requirements and go beyond compliance demands.
Learn moreRetail Solutions
A counter automation solution for post offices, which allows access to a variety of postal services, items, and partner services from a single simple user interface.
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Nimble, robust, tamper-proof and high-performing. An omnichannel solution to manage and accelerate your retail business.
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