E-Registers and E-Services
GxP© is an omnichannel solution, allowing to build processes supportive of multiple channels within a singlerocess or in separate processes.
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A modern web-based solution that serves as a platform where businesses/individuals and government meet for customer-centric business registration.
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A tool for collecting, processing, storing and publishing adequate, accurate and timely data about the beneficial owners of businesses.
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The out-of-the-box platform which is constantly developed which we have created to enable Registration Agencies to become Centres of Registries.
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GxP© is an omnichannel solution, allowing to build processes supportive of multiple channels within a singlerocess or in separate processes.
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A civil registration system that protects human rights, provides a unique identity and proof of existence. It is referring to all institutional, legal, and technical settings.
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E-Invoicing solution that helps Tax Authorities enhance domestic resource mobilization by modernizing digital infrastructure and improving tax compliance for increased revenue and public trust.
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A compilation of online registration services allowing applicants to apply, pay and receive a license online.
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A tool dedicated to receiving, storing and making accessible to the public information in registered notices with respect to security rights in movable assets.
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